

Workshop with Students,
Seminar Scenictecture WS 23
TU Berlin, Germany

Improvisation Exercise - “Form Follows Availability” in the Realm of “Weird Fiction”

Explore the concept of “Form Follows Availability” by crafting imaginative structures, machines, installations, and stage sets/ environments for individuals in motion or performance. Inspired by the speculative and bizarre nature of ‘weird fiction,’ we invite you to envision and create.

1. Assorted crafting materials (paper, cardboard, packaging material, etc.) 2. Optional: Drawing and coloring supplies, small figurines, toy people, or objects for scale
3. Inspiration words: “Weird Fiction” + 2 verbs + 1 adjective

- Begin by exploring the provided crafting materials.
- We’ll present a list of prompts or words, encouraging you to brainstorm ideas for structures, machines, stage sets, or settings. Think beyond conventional boundaries and embrace the eccentric and speculative.